Kuwait University
ELU - Science - Fall 2004
ESP, EfS # 162s53
Instructor: Buthaina Al Othman

Academic Essay Writing

Things we are going to do this week:

  • Improving your thesis statement
  • Writing body paragraphs for the final research paper

Activity 1:

  1. Do the exercises on * Identifying the Argument of an Essay.
  2. Check out the example on developing a strong ** thesis statement

Activity 2:

  1. Now, revise the thesis statement of your final research paper and see how could it be improved.
  2. Then, upload the file with your thesis statement to our Yahoo! Group.

Activity 3:

  1. Do the writing and grammar exercises at A Writer's Reference", by Diana Hacker.
  2. Check out Perdue OWL Writing Lab , for more informattion about academic writing.

Source: * A Tutorial in Critical Reasoning, by Frank Edler

Source: ** http://www.indiana.edu/%7Ewts/pamphlets/thesis_statement.shtml | Viw pictures of students busy writing at the WTS

Created: December 15, 2004
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