
Instructor: Buthaina Al Othman

Voice- video Lessons (1)

Different Ways of Formal & Informal Greetings

"What's up?"/"Whas'up?"/"Wazzap?"

"Hi, How are you doing?" / "What's your name?"

  • Objectives:
    1. Students will learn that American English accent and experessions differ from one state to another.
    2. Students will be introduced to some American customs such as ways people greet each other, formally and informally.


  • Video Activity:
  1. Register for access to Free Real English Videos & Lessons!
  2. Your password will be sent to you in an email message.
  3. Go to your email account and open a message from Real English On-line to get your password.
  4. Use your password to enter the free Video-lessons of Real English On-line.
  5. Then, Click Unit 1, watch the video and then complete the practice.
  6. Then, Click Unit 2, watch the video and then complete the practice.


Note: I would like to express gratitude to the moderators of Real English Online Yahoo! Group, Mike Marzio and Dr. Elizabeth Hanson-Smith, members of Webhead in Action, for providing a great deal of learning and teaching support for English teachers and students, and for permitting us to use the video activites included on the group website,which are available, now at The Marzio School site: Real English On-line by

Created: Spring 2003 - last updated: Fall 2004
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