
Week 1: Jan. 16 - 22

Building a Web Presence through PodCasts

Activity (1):

Podcasting is one of the latest creative ways to record and share your audio files with others.

Listen to Buthaina's Self-Introduction (mp3)

  1. Please go to ODEO.com to create your Audio-WebPresence.
  2. Record a podcast / audio-message to introduce yourself or to respond to a message.
  3. Post the link to your first ODEO channel to our Yahoo!Group.
  4. Put ODEO Badge My Odeo Channel on your portal ( your blog or homepage if you already have one).
  5. Start a WebPresence for your class(es) using ODEO Channels, and then invite us to connect to your new ODEO channel via RSS or Tags.

Building a Web Presence through PhotoCasts

Activity (2):

  • Join our WebPresence 2, flickr Group at: < http://www.flickr.com/groups/evo06_webpresence2/ >
  • Upload a perosnal or any photo to our Group Pool with a short self-introduction.
  • Participate in our Flickr Discussion Forum . You could post your imaginative ideas on ways we could use Flickr for our classes or just send feedback or comments to other posts.
  • Start a WebPresence for your class(es) using Flickr Groups, and then invite us to join your new group.

Please go to Susanne Nyrop's Flickr album with tagged photos with WIA:
< http://www.flickr.com/photos/netopnyrop/tags/wia/ >

Recommended Reading: Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, by George Siemens
Source: http://www.elearnspace.org/

This page was last updated on January 26, 2006| Back to Portal | Go to Week 2
©2006 Buthaina al-Othman