Kuwait University - ELU/Science

Fall 2004 090/18

Instructor: Buthaina Al Othman

Final CALL Project

"Different Topics, Different Opinions"

Tuesday, Dec 28, 2004 - (5:00 a.m.- 7:00 a.m. GMT)

In-Class Science Freshmen Student-Group PPT. Presentations Using Labtops

PowerPoint Presentation

Group 1: Abdulaziz and Ahmed K.

(L to R) Abdulaziz and Ahmed K. Ahmad presenting his part telling us about the advantages of Mobile phones! (Check out the powerpoint slides on the right hand side)

Group 2: Sultan, Faisal, and Abdallah

(L to R) Sultan and Abdallah, presenting

Group 3: Muhalhil, Fawaz, Fahad, Redha

Discussion time was so fun. The class asked the group lots of interesting questions

Tourism in Kuwait (pps-file)

Group 4: Yousef, Fawzan, Abdallah, and Ahmad

(L to R) Yousef, Fawzan, Abdallah, and Ahmad. Fawzan was presenting his part while Yousef was smiling to the camera

Group 5: Abdulakareem & Hussain

Abdulakareem, showing images of wonderful places for tourists in Kuwait while, Hussain was pushing the slides!


Tourist Places in Kuwait

Kuwait (pps-file) coming soon

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