Tuesday, March 18th, 2003
Buthaina Al Othman

Kuwait University
Language Center
ELU / Science College

Hands-on Workshop: "Building Your Educational Web Pages:Why and How?"

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

C-Lab # 1, 11 Khaldiyah, Basement - From 12:15 to 1:45 pm (Kuwait Local Time)

This Workshop is part of the Seminars organized by University Faculty Association at Kuwait University

on "Enhancement of Instructor's Academic Performance" - March 16th - April 4th, 2003

  • Objectives:
  1. Teachers will learn how to create their own web-pages or web-logs for the use of their students.
  2. Teachers will be introduced to some computer mediated communication, (CMC) tools to use with students or other teachers for on-line synchronous and asynchronous communication from their offices, homes, or a c-lab.
  3. Teachers will be introduced to some websites created by experienced professionals and educators, currently, teach online.
  4. Teachers will have an idea about the benefits of e-learning and teaching, for both students and instructors.
  5. Teachers will have an idea about the advantages of joining communities of practice, and would be encouraged to join one, Webheads in Action, particularly those interested in e-learning and teaching.
  • Some Free, Useful CMC Tools and Software:
  1. WebPage Creators
  2. Yahoo Messenger.
  3. Groupboards.
  4. Yahoogroup. (I will create an ELU/Instructors_yahoogroup,as a follow up "Brown Bag on-line Workshop").
  5. www.TappedIn.org.
  6. Quia.
  7. Weblog
  8. Java.Software
  9. Hotpotatoes.
  10. Webcams.
  • Creating Websites:

    Step 1:

    Sign up at www.geocities.com , using your Yahoo ID and Password.

    Step 2:

    Choose a layout for your home page, then go to Page Builder to create your index page or Page builder Wizard. .However, I recommend, using Page builder to obtain more control and freedom, maintaining and developing your pages in the future.In any case, you can choose a design/layout for your index page from the templates provided by geocitis. If you prefer to design your own layout, then you have to click page builder. (To see an example of an index page,using a geocitis template click this index page, created by a Webhead in Action, Dafne González from Venezuela, or this one created by another Webhead in Action).

    Step 3: (Composing new pages and uploading files)

    Add your links on your index page:(You need to bring the files you want to upload and publish on your home page saved on a floppy disk / CD, with you).

    1. A link to your Self-intorduction page, (you can call this link "About Me" or "My CV", or just "your name").
    2. Add your own picture.(Optional).
    3. Links to course/s you teach.(This link should take your students to your CALL program/s,which includes a number of pages; such as syllabus, CALL activities, Group board, and other pages you would like to include. Click here to view an example of a 090 English CALL program or a 161 EfS CALL program.
    4. A link to your E-mail and YM, using the icons provided by geocitis.
    5. You can also add a link to your Guestbook page, using the icon provided by geocities.

    I would like to thank EFL Instructors in the English Language Unit at the Faculty of Science, Dot Mackenzie, Jennifer Baran, and TA Mariam Shehab, for attending and participating in this workshop. This was regarded as enough support from colleagues in our ELU for this kind of professional development and education promoting activites at Kuwait University.

    To view their websites created during this workshop, please click here!

    Due to the critical situation in the country caused by the War in Iraq against its dectator, Saddam Hussain, only the above mentioned teachers attended this workshop. Later, schools and educational Institutions in Kuwait were closed for one week, on March 22 - 29, 2003.

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