1: Combining Sentences
1 to 3 Bounus Points!
each group of sentences to make one sentence. The sentences will then
make a descriptive paragraph about
a mystery object. Try
to guess what the object is. Use the vocabulary in (bracket) to help
you combine the sentences.Then, send your paragraph via an email message.
The title of your paragraph must be the name of the mystery object.
Three bonus points will be given to the first answer I receive; 2 bonus
points for the second, and 1 will be given to the third one.
- a. The object looks long.
b. The object looks thin.
c. The object measures about 20
centimeters in length.
- a. The object has many flat sides.
b. The object appears rounded.
c. The object has a diameter.
(of or that)
d. The diameter measures about ½
- a. It is available in many colors outside. (and)
b. It comes in many colors inside.
c. Usually the outside is yellow.
(and or while)
d. Usually the inside is grayish
- a. There is often writing along the outside of the
object. (and)
b. There is often a number along
the outside of the object. (which or such as)
c. The number is often a 2 or 3.
- a. The top of the object comes to a sharp point.
b. The bottom of the object is made
of rubber.
c. The bottom of the object has
an aluminum band around it.
- a. The body of the object appears to be made of
wood. (but or while)
b. The inside of the object is actually
made of lead.