Kuwait University
Academic Writing - Spring 2005
Instructor: Buthaina Al Othman

Academic Writing
A 4- Paragraph
Essay Outline Form
(English 162 & 090 Students, please click to see the Note, below)

  • The Three Parts of the Academic Essay:
    • Introduction
    • Body
    • Conclusion
I. Introduction:


General statement _________________________________________

Thesis statement __________________________________________

Lead in sentence___________________________________________

II. Body:


A. Topic sentence ______________________________________________

1. Supporting point __________________________________________
a. Supporting detail _______________________________________
b. Supporting detail _______________________________________
2. Supporting point ___________________________________________
a. Supporting detail ________________________________________
b. Supporting detail ________________________________________


B. Topic sentence ________________________________________________

1. Supporting point ____________________________________________
a. Supporting detail_________________________________________

b. Supporting detail_________________________________________

2. Supporting point ____________________________________________
a. Supporting detail_________________________________________
b. Supporting detail_________________________________________
III Conclusion


Restatement of G.S: ______________________________________________

Summary of supporting points: _____________________________________

Call for action / suggestions / opinion:________________________________

  • The number of supporting points or ideas decides the number of paragraphs in an essay. This means, the more supporting points a writer provides, the more paragraphs he/she is to write.
  • A supporting detail is the evidence a writer uses to support a point in order to convince the audience or readers to agree with him/her. It can be an example, quote, expert opinion, statistic, explanation, or reason.
  • English 162 Students are now required to write a 4-paragraph essay for the quiz and final exam. For the final group-projects, the short research paper, you need to write an essay with five paragraphs, using the Academic Standard Essay format.

  • English 090 Students are required to write a 3-paragraph essay for quizzes and the final exam question.

This handout was created in Spring 2005
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