Enhancing Online Communities with Voice and Webcams
My Refelctions on a New Learning Experience
From Buth,
Nov 25, 2003 Hello all, Thank you Vance
for your last message. The links including web pages, such as Aiden's
vConference with Mongolian teachers, and websites are really useful. I'm
sad as this session is to end soon. Although I wasn't very active as I
expected myself to be due to work and family circumstances, I have learned
a great deal reading comments, questions, and feedback posted by most
participants and Vance. Furthermore,observing Vance's
teaching method and approach used in this session taught me more about
e-learning, organizing an online learning group, and how to effectively
utilize some CMC tools, such as blogs. For example,I used his students'
blogs to motivate some of my students to develop their blogs, posting
more entries and adjusting their previous ones. Showing my students what
Vance's have done with their blogs really worked. My students liked the
idea of adding images and links to their blogs. Some of them were embarrassed
about their self-intorduction paragraphs after reading the introductions
of the UAE students, and promised to edit theirs. We agreed that we shall
do these amendments during our next c-lab session. Finally,I hope to meet with
other participants to test and experiment together with other vedio and
voice tools.If you are interested in trying http://www.ispq.com/ a videochat
and a Webcam chat tool, which I learned about from Real English Online
community, please feel free to contact me whenever you see me online,
or send me an email message to set a meeting. Buth
Vance thanks everyone, Nov 25, 2003 (published with
permission) Hi Buth, I mention all these kind people
because I want to say a special thanks to them for responding to my call
for help on the course. I know that all of us have been quite busy, Daf
with her dissertation, Maria with her degree studies, Buth with her daytime
job in Kuwait (like mine in Abu Dhabi), and Venny ... he told me about
the admin load he bears in Taipei, so these are not people with time on
their hands. They are however people with a keen commitment to the power
of professional development through online communities and I know that
their energy and enthusiasm has greatly enhanced what we have been able
to accomplish in the last 5 weeks. And of course I'd like to thank
those who signed up for the course and I hope you have benefited from
it as active hands-on participants or as passive recipients of our emails.
Not everyone comes to the fore in our communities but many write and tell
us that they absorb and appreciate our emails, longtime silence at their
end notwithstanding. And we also see colleagues suddenly take wings and
fly with us, so hope to see you 'up there' one day soon. And back to Buth, let's try
out http://www.ispq.com/ this Sunday noon GMT at Webheads ... will you
be there? Also, let me know when your students have overtaken mine in
their blogs as I'd like to embarrass a few of my lads as well. Maybe the
competition will provoke further creativity. My guys are doing pretty
well, incidentally, when you consider that they're coding from scratch
using Notepad. I'm teaching computing, remember? I used to be in computer
assisted language learning, but now I'm into language assisted computer
learning (inside joke). |
©2004 Buthaina Al Othman