A New Webheads' Cooperative & Collaborative Learning Experience!

The 23rd Tutor/Mentor Leadership Conference

Friday, May 6- 13, 2005

Get Connected & Bridge the Gap!



join a session at theTutor/Memtor 2nd eConference?

Schedule of Webheads Presentations at Tutor Mentor 2nd eConference as of Sunday, May 8, 2005 - 12:00 GMT Time Zone Converter

Session Title
Date & Time (GMT)

Webcast Venue

Barbara Dieu    


Dr.Elizabeth Hanson-Smith

Michael Marzio

Opening Live Music by Michael Coghlan
from Adelaide, Australia
Maggie Doty, Mentoring Tapped In Members, Live from Germany,

Live from Abu Dahbi, UAE, Vance Stevens

Live from Lisbon, Portugual, Teresa Almeida d'Eça

Webheads from around the world contributing their expertise on the subject of Online Mentoring,
Dafne Gonzales, Buthaina Al Othman, Barbara Dieu and Other Webheads

Live from Sacramento, CA, USA, Elizabeth Hanson-Smith and from Istres, Aix-En-Provence, France, Michael Marzio
"A Tutoring and Mentoring Activity - Alado and REAL English"


Sunday May 8













  • (All Webheads): Please join the text-chat session, here:


Live from St. Michael's College, Colchester, Vermont, USA,
Interaction and collaboration in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

Tuesday May 10


Live from Pleasant Valley, Calf., USA, David Winet

Online Tutoring

Tuesday May 10


Live from Sao Paulo, Brazil, Barbara Dieu, an interactive classroom audio chat and songfest with 5th Grade class at Chicago Hispanic Schools

Thursday, May 12


For more information, please check out Webheads' Online Events Calendar
Looking forward to learning from you & with you over the next coming days! (Buth)
Created: Friday, May 2, 2005- Last updated: May 7, 2005
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©2004-2005 Buthaina Al Othman