International Event 2003
A Live Presentation Organized and Coordinated
by Webhead
Michael Coghlan
in Ed Media World
Conference in Hawaii,
and Webheads
Aiden Yeh in Taiwan and
in Spain, Using
Sc shot 1: Shows the first slide projected. |
Sc shot 2: Notice the Layout of Chat box on the left side, with names of presenters, participants, and attendants.The yellow icon with the letter "r" appears next to the name of the person recording directly to his / her hard drive. On the right side , is the area where web-pages or ppt.slides of presenters and participants are projected. |
Sc shot3: Andy Pincon, Chairman and Executive Director of the Digital Workforce Education Society (DWES), provided great assistance to attendants. He illusterated ans explained to us, virtual attendants, how to use the recording facilities, in addition to other information related to the available facilities at Moreover, Jonathan Finkelstein gave a wonderful presentation, emphasizing the importance of CMC tools, and how they can add interest and excitement to the boring conventional language classroom. Notice Andy's name on the top part of the chat box to the left on the Sc shot below. |
Click here, to listen to Andy Pincon, who is also CEO of Alado Development, providing instructions to some Webheads on how to use the facilities available at |
Sc shot 4: While Michael was presenting, I visited his lovely website. |
Copyright©2003 Buthaina Al Othman