Kuwait University Spring 2004
Faculty of Science
Instructor: Buthaina Al-Othman

Meet My English for Science 162/s4 Students and See their Blogs

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Listen to Mohd'sGreeting Voice Message!
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Student Name
Topic / Aspect

Marine life of Kuwait: Present and Future Expectations

Aspect: Financial costs of the damages & budget to rebuild natural environments, (1991 - 2004)

Ayed, this is very good. But you need to narrow this aspect by selecting an environment: land or water? Also, you need to find other intersted students in this aspect to start forming a group!


Congratulations,(Mabrouk!),you won two stars!

Marine life of Kuwait: Present and Future Expectations

Aspect: Sheikh Sabah Reserve Project! Who? What? When? Why?How? plus + future plan!

Ok, Yousef, this is great. You need to find other interested students in this part or aspect of the main topic to start forming a group!

Yousef, I haven't heard from you, for the past 3 days! Have you been to the official opening of sheikh Sabah Natural Preservation Project, this morning? (Buthaina(Ms) March 3, 04)

PS Please, see me in my office, on Saturday, March 6.



Congratulations,(Mabrouk!),you won two stars!

Aspect: Wild life of Kuwait: Before Iraqi Invasion,(in the past)

New blog: http://barcalona.bravejournal.com/index.php

Congratulations, (Mabrouk), you won four stars!

Old blog: http://www.barcalona.blogspot.com/

Aspect: Wildlife of Kuwait at present!


Thanks Mohammed for sending the URL. of your blog; I really appreciate your cooperation, :- )

Congratulations, (Mabrouk), you won two stars!

Aspect: Marine life of Kuwait: Present and Future Expectations, (1991-2004)
Mohammed is (aka) Angel!


Mohammed, you have done a great job online today.

Mohammed, has met me at MSN, and from there we visited our Group board, we chatted and used the Whiteboard to write welcome messages.Then, he joined 162 yahoo group. After that he created his blog, uploaded his photo and blog at Files and Photos sections in our yahoo group. Later, Mohammed uploaded a lovely story he wrote, in English! The story will be published soon on his blog.All this we did online from our pcs at home.

Thanks, Mohammed for your collaboration and cooperation.

Congratulations!(Mabrouk!), you won three stars!

Aspect: Marine life of Kuwait: Present and Future Expectations

Hi Miss
I've installed the software for the comment to my blog adress. it
was not very easy. you can go and see.
best regards

Great job; keep it Up! Got the right URL, and it is published as you can see, now
.Buthaina (3/13/04)

Website: http://www.geocities.com/abdulrahman_efs/Marinelifeq8.html

Great job, Abdul! Keep it Up! Buthaina (4/13/04)

Congratulations!(Mabrouk!), you won five stars!


Aspect: Wild Life in Kuwait in the Past

Tue, 9 Mar 2004 13:01:35 -0800 (PST)<Hi Mrs.
I hope you are fine, especially that we gave you a head-ack the day before. I apologies on behalf of my mates... WE ARE VERY VERY SORRY!!!>
Thanks; apoloy is accepted.(Buthaina)
<I did my blog as you said but you didn't post it in your site, my blog is (philinthropy.blogspot.com)
I have not received anything before now! It is published now; thanks anyway. Buthaina
Secondly, I desided to work on the "Wild Life in Kuwait in the Past" aspect. But I'm still trying to convence my mates to form a group>

Great Job, Hussain! keep it up! (Buthaina)


Congratulations!(Mabrouk!),you won two stars!

Aspect: Marine life in Kuwait: Present and Future Expectations


Good job, Ahmed!

Congratulations!(Mabrouk!),you won two stars!

Aspect: Wild life of Kuwait, (since 1991 to present & future expectations.


Good Job, Ali! Keep it up, :-)

Congratulations!(Mabrouk!),you won one star!

Aspect: Marine life of Kuwait: Present and Future Expectations


Congratulations!(Mabrouk!),you won two stars!

No pic.

Aspect: Wild life of Kuwait in the past
Good Job, Mohhamed!

I like your introduction on your blog, :-)

Congratulations! You have done a great job, Mohammed! I am so proud of you. And, you have earned some more Bonus Points! Check how many stars you have now!

Congratulations!,(Mabrouk!), you won five stars!


Website: http://www.geocities.com/english_science162/

Aspect: Marine Life of Kuwait in the past

No blog!

Aspect: Marine Life of Kuwait in the past, (1980-1990)
No blog!
Aspect: Marine life of Kuwait: Present and Future Expectations
No blog!
Aspect: Wildlife of Kuwait, (Present & Furture)
No Blog!!
No pic.
Aspect: Wild life of Kuwait in the past
No Blog!!
Last updated: April 30, 2004 | Back to Wrokshop portal
© 2004 Buthaina Al Othman