Week 1
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5





ESAP 5-Week Writing Course

Critique Writing
June - July 2005

This is a Blended Synchronous and Asynchronous ONLine course by Buthaina Al-Othman.




Course Plan

This is a English for Specific Academic Purposes, (ESAP) course, offered at StudyCom.

Who should attend this course?

EFL learners in the advanced level who seek to improve their academic reading and writing skills to achieve the skill of critique reading and reading.

This class meets online in real time once a week for 90 minutes each time and meets asynchronously, (not in real time), throughout the week via the class Yahoo!Group.

For more details, see the objectives of this course, and Procedures . For dates and time of synchronous weekly activities see the Weekly Schedule.

Week 0 & 1: June

Week 2 : June

Week 3 :

Week 4:

Week 5:

Week 6 : Final project

Created: February 16, 2005 | Last updated: May, 2005
©2005 Buthaina Al-Othman