Kuwait University
162/53 Summer 2004

Week 2

Note-Taking and Outlining

Activity 1: Reading & Note Taking

  1. Go to *Soil Conservation Methods, (agriculture report), by Gary Garriott.
  2. Take notes while reading, and then outline your notes, using the Satandard Academic Essay Outline Form.
  3. Go to EFI Writing blog to post your answer.
  4. You can Print out the Outline Form to use as a guidesheet to display your notes.

*Source: http://www.manythings.org/voa/scripts/

See this related website with photo album: http://tropicaltreefarms.com/htm/main/photo_gallery.htm

Activity 2: Listening & Note Taking

  1. Listen to a science report on Dinasours Noses.
  2. Try to take notes while listening.
  3. Answer the Quiz by Charls Kelly.

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