Spring 2003_161
Instructor: Buthaina Al Othman
Note to readers:
The objectives of this project was to encourage students to exchange e-mail messages with an international teacher and a Webhead in Action from Holand, Arnold Mühren. The final goals were to improve students writing and communication skills, and increase their knowledge on scientific topics and a new culture. Unfortuanetly, this project couldn't be completed as designed due to the War in Iraq that erupted at that time, (March 2003). This project was planned and designed by two Webheads, Arnold and Buthaina.
Inviting a Webhead from the Netherlands to Exchange Information on Scientific & Cultural Topics with My 161 Science Students Arnold Arnold wrote: <Hi folks, This is Arnold Muhren from the Netherlands. I have accepted Mrs I have experience with online learning and with teaching science I hope to learn from you as much as I would like to contribute myself. Take care, all of you. Arnold>
Abdulla S. wrote: <Hi Mr Arnold. Hamza wrote: <Hi mr,Arlond :)
<hi everybody this is me Abdulla (tombakhia)... i hope all the success
Hamza wrote: <hi its me hamza i am just want to say hi to all our class groub
Buthaina wrote: Best wishes, >
<Hi Hamza and the others, Thank you for making me welcome in the group. I live in Bergen which
is I am not a science teacher myself but I used to teach English to students
Do not hesitate if you want to ask me things. Yes, we can talk in YM
- Take care, all of you, in the coming time. Arnold Muhren>
<Hi Arnold, and thank you for accepting our invitation.Please feel
Hamza wrote: <dear all ite me hamza , my web is : www.sharaf_biology.blogspot.com
Copyright©2003, Buthaina Al Othman