Kuwait University - Summer 2004
ELU/ Faculty of Science
EfS 162, Section 53


Were the objectives and procedures of the final project clear?
Q 2
Did your teacher give you enough instructions on how to do the online lessons and other activites? If not, which part was unclear for you?
Q 3
Were the online activities, included in the six weeks, difficult / easy / other? Please indicate which activity or week.
Q 4
During this summer semester we were able to use a computer lab to do two CALL sessions. Do you think we should have taken more CALL sessions? Why?
Q 5
Do you think using a yahoo group for our communication outside the face-to-face classroom, was a good idea? Why?
Q 6
Do you think the online activities and projects, in general, helped you improve your English? How? Please specify which of these language skills have improved: writing / speaking / reading / listening.
Q 7
Which online activity/activities was the most or the least enjoyable?
Q 8
What would you like to see added / modified / deleted from EfS 162/53 online program or syllabus? Why?
Q 9
Is this your first time using PowerPoint program? Have you learned new presentation skills? Explain?
If this course offers and permits you to choose to present on-line or in-class, which one would you choose? Why? Why not?

Dear Students,

I would like to thank you all for your great work, throughout the course. Your enthusiasm and hard work helped to make the online program a wonderful, learning experience for all of us.

Please remember to post your feedback or answers to your blog. If you haven't created a blog, you could post your feedback to the comments area by clicking on Comments shown on the bttom part of this blog: http://summer04_studentsblogs.blogspot.com/

Appreciate your cooperation.

Thank you again and I wish you all the best.

Your EfS 162 Instructor, Buthaina al-Othman

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©2004 Buthaina Al Othman