Fall 2003 (Last updated: 3/24/04)

Instructor: Buthaina Al Othman

The First Step Toward Distance Learning

Intorduction to Computer Mediated Communication, (CMC) Tools

Synchronous and Asynchronous


  • During this course you are going to learn/explore new and different ways of Live on-line communication, using some tools, which you may have used or still using.
  • One of the main objectives of using CMC is, of course, to improve your English:
  • Synchronous Text, Voice, & Video Chat / Conference tools:
    1. How to use Text, Voice, & Video Chat / Conference facilities, effectively, at Yahoo Messenger.
      • Download Yahoo Messenger, and then create your YM ID.
    2. How to use text-chat and drawing facilities at Group Board. (See Previous Students Chat Projects).
    3. How to become a discoverer or an independent learner:
    4. How to record your voice and save it on your pc or a floopy disk and then, publish it on your home page.
    5. Web-casting: this means Joining a Virtual Classroom session, where we can use text, voice, and view projected webpages on a board or a whiteboard.

    (I will see if we can use any of the vClassrooms, below, on September2003). (Yes we can, on Dec.7, 2003).

  • Asynchronous Text & Voice tools:

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© 2003 Buthaina Al Othman