Kuwait Uinversity
College of Science
English Language Unit
162/s53 Fall 2004

EFL Instructor:Buthaina Al Othman

Science English 162 Final Course Project


  1. Students will learn how to outline and organize their ideas and thoughts on a topic to write a required short final paper and to present in-class or on-line by the end of the semester. (Click on this handout to help you brainstorm)*
  2. Students will learn how to look for required information using online resources or visiting a traditional Library, like Kuwait University Science Library.
  3. Students will learn how to organize, save, and publish required information on the Internet, using blogs, for easy access to their work whenever and wherever.(creating and using individual or Group-blogs)
  4. Students will learn that locating, evaluating, and effectively using information on the WWW require critical thinking skill beyond those needed to research traditional library resources.(Learning ways to imporve web searching)
  5. Students will improve their online reading skill, paraphrase notes, save and publish paraphrased information on a blog.
  6. Students will learn in depth the benefits of outlining and how to use a standard academic outline form for this purpose. (See this handout: a standard academic 5-paragraph essay outlining format).
  7. Students will learn how to present face-to-face or online, using various visual aids, such as PowerPoint slides, WebPages, blogs, or Photoblogs.

* Source: http://www.writesite.org/

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