Hello Students,
This six-week CALL program is based on the topics and study
skills required for the English course # 162, taught in the
English Language Unit of the Science College at Kuwait University.
Click here to see
the goals of this Call program.
It includes weekly synchrounous, i.e. live and online and
daily asynchronous communication via Yahoo!Groups an the class
Blog. During the live meetings we are going to do some interesting
activities using voice to improve your speaking skill. The
daily communication is to help you better your writing and
reading skills. the actitivities designed with consideration
to the different learning styles and various learning startegeies
that should suite everyone. For this reason we're going to
work in groups.
There will be a final project that requires you to write
and present a short research paper. Click here
to learn more about things we need to do for the final projct.
We will be using these Internet Communication Technologies,
Asynchronous ICT:
- YahooGroups
-Blogs & Photoblogs
-WebPages (This EfS 162 website)
-Voice Email
-Mobile SMS & MMS
Synchronous ICT:
-Yahoo Messenger / MSN / Paltalk (Do you have other suggestions?)
-Webheads Virtual Office (by Elluminate at LearningTimes)--Go
tolive weekly meeting Schedule
The purpose of using the above mentioned communiation tools
is to enhance your English and Internet skills, train you
become independent e-learners to perfectly fit in the current
Information technology age, and to have FUN!
I hope to see you soon.
Hours: Sat - Mon - Tue 12:30 - 2:00 p.m, Kh. Bldg 3, 2nd floor,
Room # 12
Office Hours: click HERE
Join EfS 162 Yahoo Group at < coming soon >
Useful links can be used for this course
Douglas presentation on Tea:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/hitchhikers/guide/tea.shtml (BBC
Christine Course Material: writing, listening
This is a blended course, English for Architecture
and Urban Planning at Universidad Simon Bolivar. This course
is intended for the practice of the different language abilities
which have been introduced in the previous courses. The whole
course is designed following the tenets of content-task-based
instruction. In this course students will be discussing about
the essence of Architure and Urban Planning and a general
overview of the construction materials and structures used
in their profession.
1. Language
At the end of the course students will have practiced
vocabulary related to the content
reading authentic texts related to the
recognizing different kinds of rhetorical
patterns in readings
writing different kinds of paragraphs
listening to authentic videos and recordings
related to the content
speaking about the course-related content
2. Content
At the end of the course students will have discussed
about the following topics:
- The Essence of Architecture and Urban Planning
- Construction Materials
- Structures
- Architectural and Urban Planning Elements (color, light,
3. Study Skills
Students will have the opportunity to
- use different Webtools for learning (web pages, online
platforms, blogs, text and voice chats)
- work in groups
- develop outlines and brainmaps
- practice notetaking skills
- develop autonomy in learning
Click here for
the timetable with the distribution of the content by week
This blended course has been designed to give
certain autonomy and flexibility to the students. The multimedia
lab will be our meeting place, especially for students who
do not have easy access to computers. However, students are
not forced to be in the lab, they can do the activities from
other places, and not necessarily at the same time the lab
session is taking place. They only need to complete the activities
assigned for each week (see Weekly Activities). Students will
participate in group work, and these activities can be done
at any time the groups decide to meet; in the case of the
chat, previous invitation and agreement with the teacher.
Some activities will combine f2f and online elements, these
activities will require students presence in the classroom.
With the different activities students will develop and practice
vocabulary related to the contend while they read authentic
texts and listen and view authentic videos. Students will
also be involved in peer and self-assessment of the work done.
The evaluation follows the tenets of Alternative
Evaluation. See Asssessment
section for details.
Online Resources: see References