Week 5

Session # 5: May 14 - 17

Not Completed

This Week Face-to-Face Sessions will be held in HumanSoft - Room 307

Sunday, May 14 - 7:00-10:00 PM KLT - (16:00-19:00 GMT)


Main Topic: Collaborative Writing (Group-Report) And Presentation Techniques

Warm Up Activity (10 minutes)

  • General group-discussion on first draft of group-report
  • Prepare your questions on effective ways to write in groups for the skype discussion with our Guest-Speakers, Helen from UK, and Dr. Neal Nadler from USA

Main Activities:

Activity 1 (35 minutes) -

Note: Due to the firewalled server of HumanSoft, the following Skype and Yahoo Messenger Conversation Activities were not possible to complete
  • Skype Conversation with Guest-Speaker, Helen Lord in UK - at 7:10-7:45 pm KLT - (16:10-16:45 GMT)

Activity 2 (1 hour)

  • Yahoo Messenger PhoneIn Conversation with Guest-Speaker, Neal Nadler in USA - at 8:00-9:00 pm KLT - ( 17:00-18:00 GMT)

10-minute Break

Activity 3a (25 minutes)

Activity 3b (30 minutes)

Monday, May 15 - 8:00 - 10:00 PM KLT - (17:00-19:00 GMT)


Main Topic: Presentation Organization & Coordination

Go to Elluminate Gulf Bank Session #10 - Recording


Tuesday, May 16 - 7:00-10:00 PM KLT - (16:00-19:00 GMT)


Main Topic: Creating Effective Visuals and PowerPoint Slides

Warm Up Activity (10 minutes)

Main Activities

Note: Due to the firewalled server of HumanSoft, the following Skypecast Activity was not possible to complete.A SkypeConversation was held, instead.

Activity 1 (1 hour) - More on PowerPoint Presentation Techniques & Tips

Activity 2 (55 minutes)

10 minutes Break

Activity 3 (40 minutes)

Wednesday, May 17 - 8:00-10:00 PM KLT - (17:00-19:00 GMT)

Main Topic: Presentation Introdution (See Handout)

Go to Elluminate Gulf Bank Session #11 - Recording

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  Last updated: May 22, 2006