Week 1

Session #1: April 16 - 20

Not Completed


Sunday, April 16 - Introduction and General Information about this blended ESP in EFL Course

Warm Up Activity:

Main Activity: (Hands-on activities)

    1. Sign up at Skype.com, rand then create your Skype name and password.
    2. Log on Skype to add my skype name: [buthaina_3] to your contacts.
    3. Add your other colleagues' skype names so that we can all start communicating synchronously with learners, professionals, and business experts from around the world!
  • Asynchronous online communication: (Homework Assignment)

    Please do the following steps to Record and send your Greetings and Self-Introduction message, in text and voice:

      1. Go to http://odeo.com/sendmeamessage/Buthain
      2. Fill in the required information shown on the text and voice message form; (See an example)
      3. Record and post your voice message
Monday, April 17 - First Skype Conversation - Guest Speaker : Barbara Sawhill


First Multiple Venue, local and remote, Live Voice and Text Conversation Activity -

Gulf Bank Blended ESP, Business English Class, in Kuwait & Guest Speaker, Barbara Sawhill , in Ohio, U.S.A.

Warm Up Activity:

  1. Sign up for an account, and then create your username and password
  2. Select a search engine and then look for websites about Kuwait
  3. Look for photos on important landmarks of Kuwait
  4. Use your del.icio.us account to bookmark the websites and photos you like

Main Activity:

  • First Skype Conversation: Watch the Video Clips of Gulf Bank Branch Managers Skyped Conversation with Guest-Speaker Barbara Sawhill
    1. Sign in Skype using your username and password
    2. Have your del.icio.us bookmark page ready to share some of the photos and sites about Kuwait with our guest
  • Sign up at ODEO.com to create your Odeo channel and to start your audio presence on the Web
Tuesday, April 18 - Creating our Blogs at Blogger.com & Writing Short Comments
Warm Up Activity:
  • Sign up at Yahoo Mail to create your e-mail account
  • Download Yahoo Messenger
  • Log in Yahoo Messenger, using the same username and password created for your Yahoo email account

Main Activity:

  1. What is a WeBlog or Blog?
  2. Create your blog following the three easy steps provided at Blogger.com. (This is a hands-on activity that we'll do together)
  3. Write your Profile and then upload your photo
  4. Post and publish your first entry. Your first entry or post is your self-introduction, a four to five-sentence paragraph that should include your name, title, educational background, and hobbies or interests. You could tell us about your dreams in life if you wish.
  5. Post at least one short comment to a blog owned by one of your group members and another comment to someone's blog from the other groups - (See Group-Page)
Wednesday, April 19 - Learn More About E-mail Netiquette, Search Engines, Online Dictionaries, and Bookmarking

First online Discussion through Skype and YM - 8:00 -9:30 p.m

Warm Up Activity:

Main Activity:

  1. Go to Google.cm
  2. Search for good links on Business / Bank news
  3. Use your del.icio.us account to bookmark the websites that interest you.
  4. Add Tags to each link you bookmark. (A tag is a word you create that is relevant to the topic of the website you bookmark. These words or tags are used to categorize or classify your links, so that it's easier for you to retrieve these links anytime you need them).
  5. Add the Tag, gbk or gulfbank to see how delicious connects you with other resources of common intterest.
Thursday, April 20 - Writing Short Formal & Informal E-mail Message

Warm Up Activity:

  • Learn more about Writing Skills
    • The concept of the 5Ws (See Handouts)
    • Note-Taking
    • Outlining
  • Grammar:
    • Subject - Verb Agreement
    • Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences
    • Verb Form: Regular and Irregular Verbs
Main Activity:
  • Compose a short informal self-introduction message using MS Word or any equivalent program
  • Post your informal self-introduction pargarph via an email to our Yahoo Group list

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  Last updated: April 22, 2006