Kuwait University Students' Web-based Projects- (2001- 2005)


Dear Students,

I would like to thank you for your hard work throughout the semester. I would like, also, to inform you that your enthusiasm and determination in supporting critical thinking, collaborative, and cooperative approaches in our on-line and face-to-face sessions and classrooms are main reasons behind our success.

I hope that all the experiences you practiced and learned during the semester, will be useful to you, during your current college lives and future careers. I wish you the best of luck!

Your English Instructor: Buthaina Al Othman 

Unit, Course & Section
Student Web-based Project
  Spring 2006 ELU-College of Engineering & Petroleum, (EfS) 123 section 03
  1. M-Learning Project: Using SMS & Laptops to Send and Correct Homework (coming soon)
  2. Video Clips of Students' Final Bonus Projects
Spring 2005 ELU-College of Science, (RUE) course 090 section 05 (Male)

Final CALL-Project: Student-Group Presentations

ELU - College of Science, (EfS) 163 - Critique Writing (Male) - Class was cancelled  
Fall 2004

ELU - College of Science, (EfS) 162 section 53 (Female)

(Since CALL / TALL are still not required for EfS 162 students, the Web-based projects in my classes are all optional)

  1. Student-Group Blogs for Writing Final Research Papers
  2. Student-Group Final Blog-Presentations (coming soon)

Power point, Photoblogs, and Websites!


ELU-College of Science, (RUE) course 090 section 18 (Male)
  1. Students' Blogs for Writing Assignments & Today's Breakfast Audio-Activity at Jim Duber's Let'sTalk Project
  2. Student Photoblogs for GLD 8
  3. Student-Co-Moderating Class Yahoo! Group
  4. Final CALL Project: Student-Group PPT. Presentations
Summer 2004

ELU - College of Science, (EfS) 162 section 53 (Female)

(Since CALL / TALL are still not required for EfS 162 students, the Web-based projects in my classes are all optional)

1. Students' Blogs for Online Writing Assignments

2. Students' PhotoBlogs

3. A High-tech Teacher-Student Collaborative Project

4.Final Group-Presentations

Spring 2004

ELU - College of Science, (EfS) 162 section 04 (Male)

(Since CALL / TALL are not required for EfS 162 students, the Web-based projects in my classes are all optional)

Web-Based Final Class Project:

Natural Environment of the State of Kuwait: Past , Present, Future

A direct link to students' work can be found HERE

ELU-College of Science, (RUE) course 090 section 59 (Female)

Project 1: 090 Students' Homework-Blogs

Project 2: 090 Students' In-class PowerPoint Presentations

162 Fall 2003

ELU - College of Science, (EfS) 162 section 53 (Female)

(Since CALL / TALL are not required for EfS 162 students, the Web-based projects in my classes are all optional)

First Students' Live, Online Presentations, Using Alado/Webheads Virtual Classroom

Students' Blogs as eNotebooks

ELU-College of Science, (RUE) course 090 - (Male)

Student-Homework Blogs

Spring 2003 (War year)

ELU - College of Science, (EfS) 161section 06 (Male)
(Since CALL / TALL are not required for EfS 161 students, the Web-based projects in my classes are all optional)

ELU-College of Science, (RUE) course 090 section 59 (Female)

Students' Websites & Weblogs

Student-Teacher Text-Chat-Project (With Webhead Educator, Susanne Nyrop in DK)


Fall 2002 - (Gender segregated classes began, in KU. This coincided with the Hacking incident against my online work for my students by Mohammed, one of the students in a RUE 090 class.

See a copy of the hacker apology letter, copied with a scanner, HERE).
Read This Article published on the OUDaily.com, and my comment at the bottom.

ELU - College of Science, (EfS) 161 section 51 (Female)

(Since CALL is not required for EfS 161 students, the Web-based projects in my classes are all optional)

Studnets' ePortfolios
ELU-College of Science, (RUE) course 090 section 05 (Male)
Spring 2002
ELU-College of Science, (RUE) 090 (Mixed class)

ELU - College of Science, (EfS) 161 (mixed class)

(Note: Since CALL is not required for EfS 161 classes, the Web-based projects in my classes are all optional)

Students' Portfolios (coming soon)
Fall 2001
ELU-College of Science, Remedial Unified English, (RUE) course 090 section 06 - (mixed class) (Using a new program, North Start 2nd Edition - CALL activities are required)

1. Ruth Vilmi's IWE
2. Students' Portfolios

ELU - College of Science, English for Science, (EfS) 161 section 05 (mixed class)- (CALL activities are optional for this course)
URLs of some reputable language learning websites were used and synchronous CMC tools, MSN for one-on-one tutorial-chat sessions.
Spring 2001 (First time teaching at Kuwait University)

English Language Unit, (ELU) College of Art - course 099 (two mixed classes)

(computer-labs were not ready at Kaifan Campus-Students were provided with some useful URLs of reputable websites to practice grammar from their own computers at home.

(Created: Fall 2001 - Last updated July 2006 )
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©2001-2006 Buthaina Al Othman